From a modest beginning C.M.S Group of Schools has come a long way and is today recognised as one of thefew private endeavours in education towards promoting excellence in the youth of India. It has been an engaging absession with us here at C.M.S. Group of Schools to develop a committed act of children brimming with a certain self- confidence, to recognise and realise the changing national fabric and to cope with this in the most effective manner, we aim to bring glory Alma Mater the community, the state and the country at large and to stand out as the best example of imparting an all round education.

We, at C.M.S Group of Schools Trust, do not believe in compromising with standards and through a corps of highly dedicated and qualified lot of teachers through the latest teaching techniques and equipments, through round the years competitions and programmes, we want our students to etch out a place for themselves in the society.

Shashwat Joshi (Manager)